Welcome to the “Global History of HIV/AIDS Activism” project!
This project will examine the unexplored importance of AIDS campaigns that have been conducted in the Global South since the 1980s for relevant Group Action in Western Europe. In demonstrating the importance of various queer activists of colour, migrants and post-migrants, and connecting aids campaigners in Western Europe and the Global South, this project diversifies research on protest cultures but also on sexuality and race. This study will show how campaigners in the Global South and between the Global South and the Global North are connected, taking into account their geopolitical limits. The project will involve people of colour through fair partnerships with the Global South and NGOs. The results of this study could make health campaigns in the UK and overseas more inclusive, which will help them reach more people from black and queer communities. By featuring local queer activists in creative outputs, we aim to help queer groups deal with social prejudice.